Shuga is a drama that follows the lives, loves and ambitions of a group of young Kenyans whose lives and fabulous futures are balanced on a cutting saw due to their love of living dangerously and doing everything that is deemed fun "enjoying your youth". The series season one was a hit in Kenya with its clear,cutting edge display of young Kenyans abusing love ,sex and drugs.This season included nude,explicit language which captured many viewers as the positive massage of the dangers of these immoral inclinations was wholly captured throughout the season.
The second season premiered monday night with anticipation and expectation high from its sold audience from the first season.I patiently waited for it to start with expection of a quality ,good programme to steal my time away.
This episode deatlt with HIV-AIDS issue very well as we saw violet finaly told the dad her positive status in a subtle way through her editorioal piece she wrote to a publishing magazine in which she actually got the job.
There was the case of sexual abuse suffered by baby from the uncle even we have to wait vand see where it all leads to-though good introduction.
There was also the issue of homosexuality where we saw two girls grinding on each other at the club rather obvious is the gay character who was hanging out with the girls dancing like a sheep on heat.
The casting was relatively done well as the actresses and the actors were able to deliver their lines properly with the in-sync emotions.Character development introduction was rather lacking as some characters were just too blur in some scenes, they didn't increase the pace of a scene.e.g the gym scene was somehow too lethargic it did not raise the scene temperatures for the audience(a gym scene should increase temperatures of the audience as they perv on the hot at times half naked people). The guy who approached violet should have been more endearing to the audience-he should have flaunted his six pac for the girls.
Baby and her pervercious uncle were really brought to the audience in a exciting fashion that viewers are able to know who he really is basically keeping us glued to guess what he will do-thus giving the script writers a chance to challenge the viewers formed story and the series story creating a deviation which is always in increasing tension and interest of the audience.
The other characters were relatively well introduced sublime to the environment they were in.Most in the club scene even though they had no dialogue with each other.
Most of the scenes were rather lethagic and lacked a cutting sence to them.From the environment ,action to the dialogue.The club scene for exampled lacked UUUHHH!!!! factor ,the actors were dancing like they have been to a club.too fake to show having fun.They simply didn't get down to the songs like we do it.sorry!!
The show lacked scene stealers(outstanding things in a scene that captures the emotions of the viewers) there was no emphasis for shock actions,language and overall scenes transitions
The dialogue was rather interesting and well thought.It continuously told the story rather well,not too pacy not too slow.But a times the language diversion was kinder fake and dint go in-sync with Nairobi style of taking.Most Kenyan youth speak swanglish(English pronounced in kiswhaili).
The first episode was rather lackluster,blur and slightly boring in comparison to the previous season .Lets wait to see whats in store in the coming episodes.
I give it a 5/10....
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