Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I feel emptiness, confusion, loathe ,love ,you make me lose my being.
The sight of yourself ignites a burning sensation of hatred that I never thought I ever hard.
You made me vulnerable and susceptible to your beautiful rugged being
I remember at one point I was so consumed in love I knew nothing else, I couldn’t reason and see life without you in it.
It seemed impossible and life altering never an option.
The feelings for you were so strong that a part of me felt like what we shared was constantly a dejavu moment.
Life with you was so much fun. i would smile, laugh more than ever in my existence.
The sense of your voice,surility you brought ,awesomeness was so intoxicating you made me loose breath many a times
Falling for all these lies ,fallacies and the fad makes me feel stupid and immature.
For a moment I envisioned the life we would share ,the laughter ,the tears, the struggles, the shame, and the ultimate joy that would christen our relationship, goodness you were perfect in my eyes.
Arm in arm I felt very lucky ,you were a conquer, a quest for many but I was Spartacus the last man standing if your arena.
We were “the perfect couple” many of our friends would say, strangers ogling with eyes filled with jealousy but we would smile as if it was obvious and inevitable.
The chemistry we had so insyc,so natural, we many times would finish each other sentences, we blended our diverse personalities to a romance with an aura of blended apple, mango, banana juice.
Your smell so pure so refreshing it would normally give me an instant boner, I knew I wanted myself in yourself, the lust of affection was too overwhelming ,you know what we shared.
I made so much sacrifices, even when things were going against us, my strong beliefs and character at times jerpodised for me to make concessions in the sake of protecting love.
You made me loose apart of me which I intend to find back, you made me gushhh….

Monday, March 5, 2012


Letting go of things that are dear and of utmost importance to us can be painful almost near impossible time in life.We to get so attached to things we love and are apart of our existence thus trying to imagine a world without them seam far from realism.

Many times we find ourselves very engrained into what is familiar and within our comfort zones.thus going against the common -embracing the new can be tasking as well as difficult to contemplate.

This is one of the things of life that is easier to be said than done , a little cliché one may think but reality and fallacy are so intertwined together in this. There things in life we need to let go, the dearly departed, the old house, your dying pet, abusive spouse or lover, the business that is not working, the very sick relative on life support, the addiction that is eroding the fibre of your being , the feelings of connection you have knowing to well this is not leading anywhere.

Intricately these things form the cornerstone of our worlds, every intimate existence they give living a meaning. Dismissing all and starting a fresh is a fear of unknown that is so immense that we don’t want to face only to be left with regrets.
The most important aspect we have to accept and utilize is the notion you can change what you don't confront ,we have to do the right things to at least secure a desirable future that will bring us happiness and contentment.
Having the power to take one through the difficult period when you are almost relapsing is very essential

Sadly we have to find strength in ourselves and make choices that will make our lives better and bring contentment. To find solace in holding onto the past or vaguely good present is a detour that we always take to feel better only in the moment but the beauty of all of this is finding our core character, the values we hold dear in order to positively shape our future.

Humans beings tend to hold onto things that are in essence bad for us but we will not let go,”my gosh it feels so good”. it makes us feel bad but we will be caught up in how good it makes us feel for so long that we strive that it never ends.

We love comfort so much that, that which tend to take it away from us, we start building walls by excuses and empty hopes that one day it will go away by itself. We have to take charge and make hard decions that will be painful but eternally gratifying in future.
There is a void left but what we let go and finding the right thing to fill it with, this will be of critical importance to help us deal with the new person and environment we embrace.The company one keeps also should be positive to encourage you to transition to something better and not to constantly undermine your actions to positivity.